01 Jul Successful SmartWork Consortium Meeting in Coimbra, Portugal, 25-26 June 2019
Press Release: 2 July 2019
SmartWork partners met last week in Coimbra, Portugal, for the second face-to-face Consortium meeting. This followed a successful kick-off meeting in Athens in January 2019.
Warmly hosted by Caritas Diocesana de Coimbra (CDC) and Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), partners took the opportunity to reflect on the significant progress so far and plan for the next phase of the SmartWork project.
On day one, partners met at the headquarters of CDC where the morning discussion focused on progress in developing SmartWork requirements and use cases. An extensive discussion about the data collection and storage processes also took place in order to ensure all legal and ethical requirements are fulfilled.
After lunch, partners enjoyed a business tour around CDC to observe the daily work processes, flows and collaborations and visit the different workplaces within the organization’s headquarters where the pilot will take place.
Then, they regrouped to reflect on SmartWork communication and dissemination tasks and metrics from the first six months, and to look ahead to the upcoming events and plans for outreach. The Communication and Dissemination Plan, prepared by ECHAlliance, for the first year is available here.
Day two opened at IPN and discussions centred on the impact of the established user requirements and use cases on the technical aspects of the SmartWork project.
In particular, partners considered the findings of the initial user consultation process and its impact on the SmartWork system specification. Such analysis has provided insights about the characteristics and functions that the potential users will most welcome in the system, as well as the monitoring tools they will most likely be keen to accept or dislike. This work is a necessary step in the co-creation process towards a truly collaborative design of the system and the services it will offer.
On the technological side, partners presented their latest work in developing sensors, artificial intelligence (AI), Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII), and agreed an action plan across all technical areas for the following six months.
Important decisions were made in terms of which tools available in the market best fit with the goals of the project and could be smoothly integrated with the brand new solutions that the project will develop. Such decisions have been possible thanks to the outstanding review of existing commercially available solutions and state-of-the art research methodologies associated with the multi-dimensional features of the SmartWork system, which is already available on the website here.
Lastly, partners analysed different work and task management tools and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each of them in view of integrating them with the work flexibility services and on-demand training modules the SmartWork system is expected to provide.
The meeting concluded with partners agreeing that the next consortium meeting would take place in November, location to be confirmed.
About SmartWork
SmartWork is a truly pan-European project led by BYTE Computer S.A., and brings together a highly skilled and complementary consortium of ten expert organisations from across 8 countries. The consortium is well-balanced in terms of involvement from ICT industry, academia and research as well as public and non-profit organisations:
- Byte Computer SA, Greece www.byte.gr/
- University of Patras, Greece www.upatras.gr
- Raising the Floor International Association, Switzerland www.raisingthefloor.org/
- Caritas Diocesan of Coimbra, Portugal www.caritascoimbra.pt/
- Roessingh Research and Development BV, Netherlands www.rrd.nl/
- Laboratory of Automation and Systems, Instituto Pedro Nunes, Portugal www.ipn.pt/
- Spark Works ITC, United Kingdom www.sparkworks.net/
- Cognition and Interaction Lab, Linkoping University, Sweden www.liu.se/
- Center for Assisted Living Technology, Denmark https://velfaerdsteknologi.aarhus.dk/
- ECHAlliance CLG, Ireland www.echalliance.com
SmartWork has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 826343. The three-year project began on 01 January 2019.
More information on SmartWork can be found at: Website: www.smartworkproject.eu
Twitter: @SmartWorkEU
LinkedIn: SmartWorkEU
Facebook: smartworkeu
Sign up to the Newsletter. Questions? Contact smartwork@echalliance.com.
Keywords: active healthy ageing, artificial intelligence, age-friendly environments, human computer interaction, worker centric, work ability sustainability, work ability model, unobtrusive and pervasive sensing, training on-demand, personalized interventions, co-creation end-user
Press Contacts
For additional information, please contact the Project Coordinator at BYTE Computer S.A. or the Dissemination Coordinator at the European Connected Health Alliance:
Charalampos Vassiliou, Byte Computer S.A., Email: cvassiliou@byte.gr
Valentina Tageo, European Connected Health Alliance, Email: valentina@echalliance.com