13 Jun SmartWork Conference Publications @ PETRA 2019
SmartWork partners were in Rhodes last week attending the PETRA Conference, 5-7 June 2019.

The PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) international conference brings together different types of technologies that address important social and health issues for more sensitive groups, such as the elderly and people suffering from chronic diseases. For older people in particular, PETRA addresses the fact that they will increasingly rely on technology to be able to stay longer in their homes and enjoy an independent life.
SmartWork partners presented five papers in the area of smart age-friendly working environments, and these have been published in the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library as part of the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series program (linked below):
- ‘SmartWork: Designing a Smart Age-Friendly Living and Working Environment for Office Workers’
- ‘Conceptual Architecture of a Multi-Dimensional Modeling Framework for Older Office Workers’
- ‘Improving Face Recognition of Artificial Social Companions for Smart Working and Living Environments’
- ‘Pervasive Technologies Applied to the Work Environment: Implications for End-users’
- ‘Older Workers, Technology and the Balance of Power: An Ethical Review’
SmartWork partners also led the SmartWork Workshop, chaired by Otilia Kocsis (University of Patras) and João Quintas (Instituto Pedro Nunes), which attracted an interdisciplinary group of researchers involved in research related to age-friendly working environments. The discussion focused on how to design, develop and evaluate novel ICT tools that enable smart, personalized and age-friendly working environments, exploiting unobtrusive and pervasive monitoring of the workers in different environments (e.g. at work place, at home, on-the-move) to ensure continuous of care and workability sustainability.
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