10 Feb New progress on the WAOW Tool, the In-Lab tests, know the WorkingAge target audience, and stay tuned
This news is provided by the WorkingAge project. The WorkingAge project was financed in the same call as SmartWork. We collaborate to bring the topic of the health and wellbeing of the older workers to the attention of policy makers and businesses together.

The WorkingAge team has been working hard in recent months to complete the development of the WorkingAge Of Well-being (WAOW) Tool. The WAOW Tool aims at improving the health and well-being of people at work by supervising their working conditions and providing different types of advice through personalised technologies and friendly & intelligent human interfaces.
During the second half of 2020, the In-Lab experimental phase of the WorkingAge project has been completed. The tests aimed at identifying and validating the set of sensors and methodologies for developing the WAOW Tool. Such experiments were conducted in several European countries, corresponding to the partner’s premises, challenging the difficulty of running experimental protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. All the experiments were run in compliance with all the social distancing practices and hygiene standards stated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
In parallel, all the partners, both industrial partners and academic partners, are defining the individual exploitation plans for the WAOW Tool to ensure the sustainability of the project’s results beyond the project end and to demonstrate how WorkingAgehas influenced the EU landscape.
One of the first steps in the definition of the dissemination and exploitation results strategies is the identification of the target audience, not only for the WAOW Tool but also for all the results and achievements of the WorkingAge project.
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If you want to know more about the progresses of WorkingAge project and the developments of WAOW Tool, follow us on social networks (Twitter: https://twitter.com/Workingage_EU & LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/workingage-EU) and our blog (https://www.workingage.eu/category/blog), where WorkingAge periodically uploads information about the project and its achievements.