25-26 June 2019, SmartWork Consortium Meeting, Coimbra, Portugal SmartWork partners will meet to discuss and review project progress, reflect on learning and milestones reached so far, and plan for the next phase of the SmartWork project. The meeting will be hosted by both Caritas de Coimbra...

5-7 June 2019, PETRA Conference, Rhodes, Greece The SmartWork project will feature at the PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) International Conference. SmartWork project partners will lead a workshop on 6 June on Smart, Personalized and Age-Friendly Working Environments, chaired by Otilia Kocsis from SmartWork partner,...

31 May - 1 June 2019, Health & Wellbeing Intervention International Conference, University Campus of Viseu of the Piaget Institute, Portugal The Congress will focus on issues related to the health and well-being of the population, with researchers and professionals from different areas of practice and...

9-10 May 2019, EIP-AHA Group D4 Meeting, Krakow, Poland  The SmartWork project is on the Agenda on 9 May at a meeting of the D4 Action Group of the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) at LifeScience Park in Krakow. Carina Dantas, from Caritas...

31 January 2019, PROGRESSIVE Final Conference & CEN-CENELEC STAIR-AHA meeting, Brussels Willeke van Staalduinen, from SmartWork partner, Caritas, is a speaker in the morning session on “Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments and other smart AHA developments”, where she will talk about the Thematic Network 2018 on Smart...

10-11 January 2019: SmartWork project kick-off meeting, Athens, Greece  The ten SmartWork partners will meet to formally launch the SmartWork project and agree how to work together effectively to achieve the vision of a smart system that will support older office workers to maintain an active professional...